Here within the Grove of the Sunwheel, we celebrate the 8 great festivals of the year, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Spring Equinox, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Autumn Equinox & Samhain, each on the dates laid out by the structure of our Sunwheel Calendar, as celebrated by the pagan tradition reaching back through the history of man to the early Britons and our Ancestors.
We see ourselves as very much part of the Modern Druidry movement and our celebrations take the form of Ceremony!
With Winter Solstice celebrated in 2 parts, sunrise & sunset, at the beginning and the end of the sun-wheel year, we gather as one to give thanks and share in a total of 9 Ceremonies.
Our Ceremonies are laid out in three parts!
The Opening!
The Opening is led by the Herald and welcomes one and all to the gathering, bringing a focus and relaxation to the connection of the mind, body and spirit to our circle of Tree and Stone, to the energies of our grounding with our dear Mother Earth. Calling to the memory of the Ancestors, the spirit of the directions and the will of the Elements as we follow the turning of the Sunwheel!
The Rite!
The Rite is the heart of the Ceremony, moving with the flow of the year and our connection with the seasonal change of life. Here we honour our Ancestors and celebrate the phases of the Sun and the living life of the Earth and its landmark festivals!
The Closing!
The Closing is a time of thanks, for counting our blessings and feeling our connection with our Ancestors and the spirit of life and understanding. We feel the calmness of our breath and feel the passion of the Earth around us, with the unconditional love of understanding and unity - we return to our path!
Information on the ceremonies of the Sunwheel Grove are to be found on the following pages:
* Please note - all official Ceremonies are available for download by Order members only!
Hawk Elderin & Morien Ravenstone
On behalf of The Sunwheel Grove Druid Order