We bid you a warm and friendly welcome One and All, to The Sunwheel Grove Druid Order and our website!

Day by day and year on year, we journey this life of lifetimes, born naked and innocent, open to the influence of our natural surroundings and governed by the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, and the Elements. Shaped by the will and the way of circumstance and experience, we live, learn, and grow, as we follow our path along life’s spiral of infinity. We come from the Earth and return to the Earth in the timeless, endless flow of living energy, together as one with the strength and power of unity, in love, peace and harmony with the eternal spirit, as one before the Sun.

The Sunwheel Grove offers a belief system for the modern world. We do not follow the Celtic myths and legends, tomes and tales like some Druid Orders and Pagan groups and believe that this is very much a personal choice. Instead, we go back to basics and honour Nature, the flora and fauna of the natural world and the Elements, with the connection between ourselves and the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, as we believe ancient Druids would have done and how we see the progressive movement of modern Druidry. Our Grove is built on a solid foundation with a focus on the balance and energies of a triangle, set firmly within the living circle of the Sun-wheel and the endless cycle of life.

Therefore, we honour:

  • The Triad of harmony and balance!
  • The Sun, The Moon and The Earth!
  • The spiral of infinity that connects three unique perspectives, to create a web of wonder and understanding and a network of energy and life, harmony and belonging!


To achieve this, we celebrate the cycle of the Seasons, the Tree Seasons, and the life of the Sun wheel, with Nine Ceremonies, laid out and determined by the advent of our Sunwheel Calendar nearing some thirty years ago. We honour and celebrate the Eight Festivals celebrated through the ages and by the ancient Britons. The Solstices, the Equinoxes, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.

We also honour:

  • The memory of our Ancestors!
  • The long held connections and the recently departed!
  • The roots of our living history - Our families and friends!
  • The Teachers of life and its lessons!
  • Our Ancestors reaching back through their past journeys and threads of life and time!


We honour our Ancestors and their lives stretching back into pre-history, in both celebration and Ceremony, for their understanding, living in harmony with the cycle of life and the flow of the seasons, the turning of the Sun wheel and the sky above us, for their wisdom and skills, that led to the building of many amazing structures such as Stonehenge, Avebury and the Rollright Stones as well as magnificent burial chambers, such as New Grange, Maes Howe, West Kennet and Wayland's Smithy to name but a few!

These celebrations take many forms and include:

  • The Energy and The Fertility of The Earth and its Flora and Fauna!
  • The Green Man and the Seed of Life and Creation!
  • The Seed of Growth Within and Without!
  • The Awen and the Energy of our own personal and collective Creative Passions!
  • The form of self-expression through Word and Art, Craftwork, Music and Dance!
  • The Trees and the Tree Seasons!
  • And Self-Awareness through the art of Meditation and personal growth!


In summary, we believe that unlike so called organised religion, Druidism and Paganism gives us and our personal belief the freedom to breathe, with our own understanding and influences and it is our similarities, our connection and its structure that brings us together in the understanding of Unity!

Hawk Elderin & Morien Ravenstone
On behalf of The Sunwheel Grove Druid Order

Blog Index

Upcoming Events

3:00 pm Samhain @ Sunwheel Grove
Samhain @ Sunwheel Grove
Nov 5 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Samhain @ Sunwheel Grove | Ilmington | England | United Kingdom
Samhain – Is our Ceremony of Remembrance and our celebration of The Ancestors! More information  … Continue reading →
3:00 pm Winter Solstice – Ceremony of Su... @ Sunwheel Grove
Winter Solstice – Ceremony of Su... @ Sunwheel Grove
Dec 20 @ 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Winter Solstice - Ceremony of Sunset @ Sunwheel Grove | Ilmington | England | United Kingdom
Ceremony of Sunset – Is our Ceremony of celebration for the Setting of the Sunwheel and the dying of the Year! More information  … Continue reading →
12:00 am Winter Solstice – Ceremony of Re... @ Sunwheel Grove
Winter Solstice – Ceremony of Re... @ Sunwheel Grove
Dec 21 @ 12:00 am – 12:00 pm
Winter Solstice - Ceremony of Re-birth @ Sunwheel Grove | Ilmington | England | United Kingdom
Ceremony of re-birth – Is our Ceremony of celebration for The re-birth of the Sun, The birth of The new Sunwheel and our hope and dreams for the new year ahead! More information  … Continue reading →

The Moon Phases

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