Use the above or select under 'Blog Index' in the Roundhouse dropdown menu
From the germination of a seed of an idea, now firmly rooted and evolving well beyond its formative years, our website, and our Blog have continually expanded over time, with an impressive collection of regular and varied contributions!
Our well established and regularly updated Sunwheel Grove Blog now currently has seven running threads, with plans to introduce more in time!
We have now amassed an impressive collection of diverse and personal accounts and submissions over the years. We hope our readers will find them interesting and informative, enlightening, and inspirational!
To fully do them justice in their multitude and help with navigation and availability in the future, we proudly introduce our complete Blog Index!
We hope it helps you as much as it helps us!
Our oldest blog thread, ‘The Grove Diary’ by Mylo Tup, began its life with the Spring Awakening of 2014. We are now tiptoeing into our second decade of contributions and despite the limitations of recent years and their various restrictions and circumstances, it has now amassed over one hundred and thirty posts!
In recent years, with the expansion of our blog and its content, we have also introduced a certain amount of streamlining. For our older or more regular readers, the complete collection of both the ‘Over the Bridge!’ and ‘Over the Hill!’ threads by Mylo Tup, originally introduced in 2015 can now be found in one place, along with a growing collection of new contributions under the title of ‘Wanderlust’.
Next there is ‘The Wider World’ thread, also introduced in 2015. This thread is designed to be an open-ended collection of posts from a variety of contributors, written, gathered, and submitted over the years!
Following on, next we have ‘The Moonlight Dance’ .This thread is a fine, evolving collection of the works by Skydrift Moon introduced in 2020!
There is also the ‘Water Wheel’ thread by Merlin-Shadow and Skydrift Moon, also introduced in 2020. This is a growing addition with the germination of our first Seed-Group – ‘The Water Wheel Grove’ and their experiences!
Having now experienced several Sun-wheels with us, our nomadic friends experience a wide variety of natural and ancient sites as they seek to settle on a permanent location and look forward to following their own inspirational path. Situated in the remote coastal wilds of the South-West of Scotland, this is their story, as we share in their evolving journey!
2020 also saw the introduction of ‘The Gate Keeper’ by Glentoawen. ‘
. ‘The Gate Keeper’ is a thread of posts on life and its observations, including the building of an evolving Grove, its Roundhouse, and caring for its recently expanded, natural surroundings!
Our most recent Blog addition in 2022 is called ‘Q & A’ – This thread is designed to be an open-ended collection of answered questions, gathered from both the past and present and which we very much hope will continue!
Moving forward we hope to answer any relevant questions, comments, or enquiries we might be asked by anyone curious or interested in the Sunwheel Grove and its belief system. We hope these answers will help in understanding our Order and better explain its everyday life!
If you have a question that you would like to submit to the ‘Q & A’ Blog - or - have any questions of a general nature and would like to contact us on a more personal and private level, please either fill in our Comments Slip or email your question or questions to us at [email protected]
Happy Reading!
Hawk Elderin & Morien Ravenstone
On behalf of the Sunwheel Grove Druid Order
Incidentally – all images published with the aforementioned Blog-posts can also be found in the ‘Blog Images’ file in the Gallery!