Ceremony Day!
Ceremony Day!
Out comes the sun – to join in the fun – celestial celebrations greeting Ceremony Day,
Mrs Glen and Little Raven going above and beyond – as so kindly is their way!
Greeted by the Gatekeeper sheltered by the canopy – stepping out into the light,
The panoramic visions in their seasonal surge – with the glory of nature’s might!
Spotlight on an entrance in sentimental clarity – through the door that could tell many a tale,
Turning in sun-wheels – a spiral of history – with a long-found destiny to follow the trail!
At one with re-connection across a sea of time – and the Sun feels fit to shine,
Feeling the glow – preparations are on the go – wandering the stage like a creeping vine!
Our friend the Robin appears and joins us for lunch – as we sit reflective in the shade,
Orange Tipped Butterflies dancing in numbers – enjoying the atmosphere out on parade!
With memories shared and adventures recounted – there’s a peace upon the gentle breeze,
Held in the embrace of a seasonal wonderland – safe in the dappled shade of the trees!
Bathed in the sunbeams highlighting laser lights – we enter the circle surveying the scene,
Dressing the central table lost in thought – when a silhouette creeps across the carpet of green!
Lifting the gaze into parity and a focal point – a low drifting Heron glides overhead,
Before circling the circumference of next door’s pond – poetry in motion it has to be said!
Lanterns dutifully ignited with care in mind – and translucent flames flicker in the Sun,
Windchimes ring their singing – the ambience they are bringing – playing in a free-form run!
Glimpsed through the Hazel stands a Heron preening – in the southern corner of the Grove,
Like a mystic moment its come and then gone – intermingling journeys the threads so wove!
A distant Buzzard calls a welcome in the west – hanging on the backdrop so clear of sound,
The reach of voice and motion – in a barrierless ocean – covering the contours of the ground!
Returning with the will of nature contented – time for personal preparation to be complete,
The magic touch of feeling the fabrics of celebration – honouring connections with a bed of wheat!
Following old familiar footprints and a welcome home – a serpentine semblance in a sunwise flow,
Coming to rest in Silver Birch seclusion – constant companions how we’ve seen them grow!
Taking one’s places with feet to the Earth – settling the senses and breathing in the day,
Raising a Toast to the past – the present and future – before igniting a flame in the ancestral way!
A tiny little Butterfly sampling the Mead – standing at the shoreline of the goblet’s bowl,
Wasps in a gathering of subtle shapes and sizes – seeking out the delicacies beyond their control!
There’s a time for sharing a beer and bread – pausing for thought and a moment’s grace,
Dissolving into the reflection of space and time – feeling the majesty of nature’s pace!
Running full circle – we come to close – reminiscing on our journey that extends with age,
Finishing off the crumbs – while each thought bubbles comes – slowly filling up the page!
A multitude of offerings with their seasonal references – standing to attention in their usual way,
Retiring to the sidings while the lanterns flicker – honouring the return of Ceremony Day!