Flutterbies & Dragonflies!
Flutterbies & Dragonflies!
Greeted by the squawking of distant Buzzard babies,
high upon the restful hill!
The sun light ravishes the sculpture of its contours,
left to roll at will!
Twists of cotton wool cloud – they shout out loud,
with their white against the blue!
Given to the notion of a quickened march,
upon the warm fresh wind as it passes through!
Down under the corner canopy – with a swoop and clamber,
all with a painted on smile!
On through the gateway – taking a hit to the senses,
finding the harmony of peace to share for a while!
The Bardic Chair – it calls me there – with its northern perspective,
the seasonal shaggy viewpoints of a familiar gaze!
The Silver Birch they dance – in the wind of trance,
amply dappled yet not in shadow – with the sun and its rays!
Fruit trees hanging heavy with their growth of plumpage,
bouncing the occasional apple with the top of my head!
Ducking and weaving – the lower branching and their leaving,
heaving is the undergrowth – creeping out of bed!
I start with my ramble and my quest for visions,
capturing image illuminations best describing of the day!
The lavender Buddleia tall and busy – flanked by Crocosmia in riotous red,
where the Comfrey swells the frontage in majestic sway!
The Rowan strikes a pose laced with red-orange berries,
beautifully presented in its standing grace!
Thorny canes of Brambles – they commit to their scrambles,
contributing to a many layered picture – moving at nature’s pace!
The Buddleia in central focus – with its raft of visitors,
so rightly defined as the Butterfly bush!
With numbers I confess – dressed in their family dress,
sunning by busy Bumble Bees – where it all looks lush!
Peacocks – Red Admirals and Painted Ladies,
Tortoise Shells large and small with random whites!
Meadow Browns – fluttering around the grounds,
with many other individuals – they come to see the sights!
Calling over Little Raven – identifying species,
sharing the moment as they come and go!
The Butterflies they scrabble – such a beautiful rabble,
calling for a snack at the feeding station – forever on the go!
Damselflies come to settle on the leaves of the Hazel,
as the Elder Berries form in the pen!
A deep rooting through the pot – as time went on it got forgot,
becoming part of the scenery way back when!
Delicate pink petals of Willow herb wander scattered,
Thistles stand to attention with their purple heads!
The grasses they move – getting into the groove,
where wild flowers find their footing – the Ivy grows in threads!
Nettles hide in corners providing food and bedding for the masses,
the Honeysuckle hotel open and offering up the same!
The Ornamental Crab Apple fruit – blooming in colours to suit,
with a grey lilt cloud covering – there’s the briefest shower of rain!
A small dull green Dragonfly adventures with a bright fluttering brilliant White,
checking out the facilities present and close at hand!
When the sun pops out – above our roundabout,
we are blessed with the warming where we stand!
We are indebted to the Gatekeeper going over his lines,
steering a path of definition to the field of play!
The care and the compassion – it seems are all the fashion,
leading the art of contemplation around Orchard Way!
Second breakfast comes a calling for the grateful takers,
sharing their news in the flow of the breeze!
As the sky fades to grey – another shower comes our way,
retiring provisions to the dry of the bunk-house and using the shelter of the trees!
The lantern inners are gathered – for a pit-stop refuelling,
there are new wicks to trim and prime!
For its welcoming bit – the entrance candles are lit,
the lantern jars are readied and awaiting lighting time!
Between the showers we reach the point of guest list completion,
stepping out into the brightness of the sun!
Conversations intermingle – with the preparation tingle,
fully running its course – when all that needs is done!
The big green Dragonfly flexes its muscles – proud to earn its stripes,
causing a distraction as two different worlds collide!
Spending the day on the move – like it’s got something to prove,
monitoring in grids and squares and I like to share the ride!
Paviland Cave Bear shares a moment with a Red Admiral,
a beautiful connection as it warmed its wings!
The intricate detail so fine – in the sun and so the markings shine,
living the bond of what nature’s connection brings!
A fine shower disturbs the moment before one and all re-gather,
following the path of melodies and the circle is complete!
Honouring the cycle being full – with the seasonal pull,
a personal harvest on a wider scale – quiet and discreet!
A closing motioned – celebrated with Bread – Beer and Mead,
sharing and re-living the highlights that passed us by!
The wind stirs the trees – sounding like the tides of the seas,
the showers long gone – and leaving a light and airy patchwork sky!
Before the circle empties – Little Raven records the moment,
capturing a memory of our gathering and one for each and all!
As we dwindle away – with the emotion of the day,
we smoulder on with the lanterns burning – hearing nature’s call!
Small Dragonflies painted in red and green – circumnavigating the gallery,
as we all share a moment with a resting Butterfly – I have never seen!
A dark brown beauty sunning in full sight – its perfect tiny circles of tidy white,
a movement’s gesture – breaks its trail of thought – and it’s gone as never been!
The stray Pigeons they come and go – with a changing of the guard,
largely un-noticed by most with no song and dance!
Birds they sing to the hum of Bees – sharing the buzz around the plants and trees,
an encore performance from the big Green Dragonfly – taking one last chance!
There are fond farewells and our numbers diminish,
leaving the writers with the flutterbies and Dragonflies – in the sun!
Taking in the time to listen – a casual watch as the colours glisten,
returning the stage setting to its natural state and our day is done!
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