The Future Starts From Here!
The Future Starts From Here!
There’s a his and her welcome – a pair of Blackbirds – at the entrance in natures trance,
At the standing stones and the beds of Snowdrops – where the Daffodils learn to dance!
To the right their stems stand tall in budding burst – on the left just pushing through the earth,
The twin Rowan trees wear their suits of lichen – growing slowly on from birth!
The Almond tree dusted with a powder of blossom – delicate flowers they open in the pink,
The passion of the Primroses they ignite their corners – with their season on the brink!
The Hazel thrives – with a show of Catkins in their multitude – gently nodding in the breeze,
The grey of the rolling patchwork sky – It sails on by – and the flow of the day it rests its ease!
The purple Crocuses with their yellow golden heart – opening finger petals in sparse display,
The circling of Crows they sweep the thermals – while distant songbirds sing their vast array!
The Pigeons skirt in a random criss-cross pattern – against the clouding as it parts,
With the calming of the wind overhead it thins – behold the sunlight – warms our hearts!
Preparation recorded and sent through the ether – before the incense fills the air,
With a final moment – dedicated to thought – before the circle finds us there!
With the settle of a gathering with the Silver Birch – how the words they spread their still,
There’s a time honoured welcome stepping out of the dark – with the awakening of nature’s will!
Drumming at a heartbeat the completing of circles – a word to the wise with the floating flames,
With the ode of a poem in telling its Tale – in the voice of many names!
There’s a spring water toast in melting the ice – remembering the snows of yester year,
With the planting of Snowdrops – a life for a life – the future starts from here!
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