The Rebirth of Sunset!
The Rebirth of Sunset!
Darting Songbirds weave their way along the hedgerows,
Singing their harmonies under a fine mizzling sky!
The puddles gather in the Tractor tread sidings,
Cutting ribbons through the clay as they verge on by!
Woven patterned sediments left scarring the fields,
With horizontal trails where the fields meet the road!
The early crops – cling on to their raindrops,
Riddled deep and even in silver blisters – the leaves they bear the load!
The stream babbles onward – while the Rabbits bob their tails,
Diving for cover along the line of naked trees!
The Sheep dot the contours of the distant hillside,
While Blackbirds chatter – the Ivy’s majestic with its luscious leaves!
As I make my entrance the Wood Pigeons scatter,
With a Green Woodpecker fleeing to the east up the rise!
Robin and its brethren echo’s – crisscross my meander of the entrance path,
Dancing a tango in tandem – as they mesmerise!
Taking a breath of the still – where the mild air’s will,
Greeted with silence save the odd call of the Crow!
The Doves say goodbye – as they leave on the fly,
As I follow my footfalls – around the circle to the chair I go!
The clouds they find their shape and form – the air with its relative hint of warm,
A seasonal offering amidst the early wind and snow!
The Pheasants rattle in their far reaching wanderings,
The distant skies – with their Buzzard cries – blending with the flow!
The leaves lay down – in their many shades of brown,
Unveiling the skeletal features of the plants and trees!
The quills of winter white – stand the Silver Birch – performing in the round,
Forming a circle to follow the cycle – providing a swish on the seasonal breeze!
With the swell of reinforcements – the scene paints a picture,
The perfect backdrop – to the perfect stage!
Contemplation concurs with the call for second breakfast,
Pondering the universe of modern living – with the spirit of the age!
The Pilgrimage makers come from further afield,
Reversing journeys cast for Winter Retreat!
Paviland brings the weather with patches of blue,
Exiting the natives – they linger discreet!
One by one and two by two – we all walk the outer circle through,
Taking in the memories as the seasons laid their trail!
Baring their souls – to the thrill of their goals,
The constant echoes in their variations – they tell an ancient tale!
One and all set their footing and circle to a rest,
Close up and personal with the Silver Birch!
Finding a connection with a breath of the air,
Captured in the moment – where the senses seek to search!
When the wording of a welcome becomes the herald,
The threads are followed with a turn of the page – perchance the verse to read,
The shadows lengthened as we smiled with our memories,
Sealing the deal – with the sunset wheel – fortified with mead!
As we end the day – we fade away,
Weaving trails of homeward bound!
The darkness creeps – as we fuel our sleeps,
Sparing a thought – while the new Sun-wheel comes round!
With the advent of the dawn – the air has kept its warm,
And the candle of vigil has burned on through the night!
With a reconfiguring – there’s a reconvening,
With the rebirth of the sun-wheel burning bright!
With our personal candles igniting the near and far,
We share of the moment – where-ever we are!
We raise a sunrise toast – to welcome in our host,
Looking to the future where the awakening’s star!
The Rebirth of Sunset! — No Comments
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