Welcome Is The Gathering!
Welcome Is The Gathering!
This morn – Sun-baked and dry – under a cloudless summer sky – taking in the thrill of the air,
Familiar landmarks smile – upon this sacred mile – as I count the blessings that take me there!
Stepping through the gateway – I meander up the walkway as the peace it strokes my skin,
An entrance awaits – with its Rowan Trees – over the threshold and dissolve within!
There’s a welcome call from a distant Buzzard – where baby B has found its voice,
A broken cry has found its tune – ringing crystal clear – desperately ordering its food of choice!
A Myriad of House Martins and Swallows perform – spraying in firework energy across the sky,
Wood Pigeons wander above in trails with Ring Necked Doves – as they cross and pass on by!
Robin calling order from the Moon Garden border – above the absence of the stream,
As he feels his grooves – he knows all the moves – like a passion play in a vivid dream!
Mrs Blackbird skips tunefully – In the reach of shadows – lined with droplets of morning dew,
While her Mr checks the hedge for loot – scratching at the surface for a different view!
A Blue Tit raids the Buddleia where it’s gone to seed – full of daring – a young man on trapeze,
Red Admirals and Peacocks share flower-heads with the Whites – as the Butterfly Garden decrees!
A Dragonfly – a roundhouse and its centre post – hitching a moment of time in the still,
Pausing on a thought – a captive audience in the shadings – beholding the spectacle free of will!
Footprints rustle through the silence – In the Southern hedge-line – rummaging a rumble at a size,
An adolescent Roe Deer – standing proud in his young antlers – gazing deep into my eyes!
With a graceful withdraw he circles the pond next door – subtle and sun-wise he slips from view,
We settle with the Dragonflies seeking adventure – in the shaded seating as they taxi through!
The Gate Keeper warms a welcome as he slips into character – feeling they are one and the same,
The Host and the Herald they welcome the Earth – with the Sun-lit circle to light a flame!
House Martins dance and take up their chance – while songbirds flitter – In and out of the trees,
The wheat golden blankets take a seasonal turn – welcoming a gathering the moment sees!
The dappled shade – It reigns on the parade – blowing in the breeze as the circle turns,
An avenue of memories that leads to adventure – back into the present where the Lantern burns!
Stories are remembered with the telling of tales – a restful collection at the edge of the shade,
Taking in the sunshine with a calming breath – with a rhythmic drum and the melody made!
Wheeling the circle – engaging the Silver Birch – a path between the Trees and Stones,
Coming to a stop with the feeling of foundations – you can feel its passion in your bones!
Framed by lanterns you can sense the incense – drifting on a linger that paints the scene,
After a formal welcome – there’s an encompassing chorus – sharing in the flow of the green!
With a coming together – there’s a raise of a toast – with the honey gold of Mead,
Honouring the Ancestors – with the memories of Harvest – from the promise of a seed!
We enlighten the candle glowing seasonal in gold – in a lantern that shows it age,
Wrapped in tradition with the Ancestral flame – a floodlight shining over a well-loved stage!
The Crop it met its Harvest – at the hand of the Sickle – with a Wheaty Ale to wet its head,
A fresh round loaf consumed by one and all – offering an offering of timely bread!
The Hazel is honoured for showing its nuts – growing like wisdom – and good for the brain,
Eternally youthful at the hands of the woodman – a magical union – linking with the chain!
With time in hand – with the drawing of the closing – with the fading of the central flames,
A final toast to the day – helps us on our way – as the House Martins play their games!
Reflective is the view – the highlights coming through – with a smile to take away,
With its golden blend – the eve it finds its end – as we quietly slip away!
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