The Awakening of Imbolc!
The Awakening of Imbolc!
Oh welcome you are beautiful – in your morning frosted lace,
Where shadows dance a shimmering – and the chill it strokes your face!
Captivating views – of the cool blue clearness – with a vibrant winter sky,
Above the curvy contours of the rolling hills – passing slowly by!
Along their reach the hedgerows wind – defining lines upon their way,
The Finches and Sparrows they dip and dive – leading the footpath of my day!
Through the absence of the breathless wind – a journey finds its end,
Where the crispness of the earthen carpet – greets you as a friend!
With the arrival of the Awakening – in the low rising of the Sun,
Full circle draws upon a thread of tales – for as long as the ink will run!
The early shift of the Crows returning – hailing a storm of calls,
A gathering collected and over the page – a pitch of rise and falls!
With his triumphant herald the Robin fidgets – seeking his pride of place,
From branch to branch and tree to post – keeping up the pace!
Imbolc calls and friends assemble – preparations are all but done,
We break our fast and share our dreams – soaking up the winter Sun!
Stirring from a world of winter slumber – the Butterfly warms its toes,
Hitching a ride on the gate keeper’s hat – out of season as it goes!
Placed into retirement away from the cold – in the comfort of the shed,
Flexing its wings once open and shut – returning sleep unto its bed!
A timing of fortune in the closeness of gathering – a pause it brings us thought!
Priority weaving a web of its comfort – the brink it stops us short!
With a calling of nature – a calling of voices – sounding out their ring,
Commencement calls for a reconvening – ‘Little Raven’ has broken her wing!
All but the tables are returned to their shelter – beyond the elemental flow,
With a staging on hold in a state of undress – I find the time to go!
Forward we travel through 48 hours – and we step on through the gate,
In returning a greeting of an understanding – the Sun it decides to wait!
With a breeze upon a standstill – the sky hangs still and clear,
The warming Sun its climb begun – in bathing all are here!
Frost adorns a web upon the central table – like feathers of ice lay out in a fan,
With the awakening comes the time of the thaw – behold the drink of man!
With the lanterns primed awaiting light – the scene is slowly dressed,
The entrance candles glow in vanilla flow – we settle down to rest!
In thoughtful muse we find our peace – and take a bite to feast,
Three sun wise Buzzards – arrive to circle overhead – low and from the east!
Slowing the age and the time that is relative – a moment can last for years,
Standing for a vision to paint for the memory – A melody to serenade the ears!
At the will of the thermals they drift their way south – dissolving out of view,
With a flex of its muscles the wind it builds – as the incense finds its due!
We step in behind the gong as it calls one and all – as we look to find our feet,
Taking our places we take in the energy – when the gathering is complete!
The Ancestors are honoured – a toast of remembrance – a raising of the mead,
All life is remembered with the blood of the Apple – with one and all agreed!
We share with the earth and feel the awakening – with the childhood of the Sun,
Celebration smiles with the planting of Snow Drops – we are all and we are one!
We welcome the thaw and count our blessings – with the waters of the spring,
We share our thoughts with the power of the word – and how the verse did sing!
Circling a pair of returning Buzzards – above the Imbolc stone and overhead,
With a joy of hope we light our floating flame – after all that’s to be said!
With the closing comes the call of Crows – as Buzzards group in threes,
Six Buzzards call and play – to end our day – high above the Willow Trees!
The Awakening of Imbolc! — No Comments
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