Dressing Up Day!
Dressing Up Day!
The showers ponder high – sailing clustered clouds – our company takes its turn,
With the gather of footsteps we hug with the verge – for the herald of return!
Passing the burrows we climb for the hill – where House Martins come to play,
Past the creaking words of the Hawthorn trees – over the crest and on our way!
The Buzzard calling with the squawk of youth – ringing round in a rolling bowl,
A vale meandered toward its meeting point – where the hills are in control!
Nestled in the corner we greet our doorway – and Tortoise-shell Butterflies,
Open to the shadows of brightening wonders – the Sun it clears the skies!
Red Admirals and Peacocks – dance the spacing’s – within the growth of Trees,
Large and Small Whites cross their paths – with a wander on the breeze!
Not to break with tradition we break our fast – Little Raven asks her why’s,
There’s a question and answer – held over a biscuit – with the sharing of supplies!
Dragonflies manoeuvre in the throes of flight – taking their ease on piles of sticks,
A collection of Hazel and Willow wands – as they go through all their tricks!
The Finches are chattering two by two – as they flit about the Silver Birch,
To the soundtrack of Wasps and Bumble Bees – as they carry out their search!
With the passing of time by prior arrangement – Little Raven returns to her nest,
The Holly’s are removed and housed in pots – thoroughly watered and set to rest!
The holes are filled and the ground is levelled – with the shortening of the grass,
Come the onset of Autumn for the lifting of roots – a new bed will come to pass!
With the walking of circles and the tidy of edges – preparation wears its dress,
The contours of the runaway are clearly defined – for the waters to caress!
With a levelling for comfort the Holly’s retire – into midday summer’s shade,
With the crackle of fire and the billow of smoke – an entrance is re-made!
Cleaning up the footprint of the Roundhouse – with the benches moving home,
There’s a Toad takes a nap at the bottom of the log pile – snuggled in the loam!
Carefully escorted to the safety of the stumpery – at the Butterfly garden’s edge,
Heading for a corner wrapped up in a niche – with a warm and pleasant ledge!
Appearing over the Trees with a call to order – our Mother Buzzard sets her sail,
With a circle of the hill that rises south-east – to the west she seeks her trail!
The Grass Hoppers jump to the tune of evening – as the shadows start to yawn,
When the Doves and the Pigeons settle down to roost – until the break of dawn!
With a run there’s a race across the top of the field – the speeding of the Hare,
Diving from view in the hedgerow south-east – when suddenly it’s there!
Taking the care to highlight our visions – there’s a casual sit and pose,
Then it’s back to the hedge and out of sight – as our evening comes to close!
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