High Noon until Sundown!
High Noon until Sundown!
The Sun takes to shining above high noon – against an azure blue sky,
While the greys and purples of clotted cotton clouds – blow upon their bye!
The House Martins weave their random patterns – up upon the growing breeze,
Large White Butterflies sail the hedgerows – amidst the bending form of trees!
The Bindweed threads its trails and tangles – with its whitened trumpet flowers,
While a tide of ribbons born of Willow Herb – await the fall of showers!
The wandering cracks reach along my pathway – extending with the heat,
Past the pink painted flowering of the Brambles – my journey is complete!
As I arrive at the gateway there’s a shiny black Beetle – like a Stag without the jaws,
Circling round the handle like it’s on parade – a friend for which I pause!
They follow my venture and cross the path – where a Pilgrim finds his way,
With an affinity – that none can see – so you walk my page again this day!
The male Pheasant tip-toes – between the stones – as I make my way within,
Greeted by the passing of a Dragonfly – as the sun it strokes my skin!
High above my seating there’s a Red Kite gliding – as it goes about its day,
In the south there flies a pair of Kestrels – ringing circles all the way!
A multitude of Bee cousins – take in the tour of thistles – where the grasses go to seed,
Airborne Seed Fairies ride the wind – as with the season they are freed!
The wheat in the wheat-bed pale’s ‘til golden – with its harvest drawing near,
The Rowan’s stand proud – a host of orange red berries – while the Raven’s cronk is clear!
Wood Pigeons amass in the Wheat field to the south – as it too fades with season’s age,
The Crows now appear with the family outing – right to left across the stage!
The Wasps and the others party on windfall Apples – scattering discoveries for free,
More Dragonflies meander in and out of view – like brown helicopters dancing for me!
The Hypericum budding with tiny yellow buds – as it spits and spots with rain,
The shower-cloud passes on the breath of the wind – and it brightens up once again!
Robin plays hide and seek in the undergrowth – there you seem him now he’s gone,
There’s a Finch with a message to any who’ll listen – as the afternoon moves on!
The wind drops its tempo in a crescendo of silence – where distant sounds explore,
A Wasp peels the surface of a random fence post – where you can see it’s been before!
Too focused on its work to see me watch – it carves away its paper page,
When it’s worked the surface and completes its shift – there’s a patchwork left to gauge!
An electric blue Damselfly exploring the dogwood – takes a moment to rest on a leaf,
With the onset of evening and the lengthening of shadows – we share its moment of relief!
The Buzzard in the West she takes to the thermals – as she swirls above the still,
With a baby Buzzard squawking – that we hear from the nest – to the west upon the hill!
On the cusp of the sunset we complete the outer circle – a work detail of mental notes,
Following the seasons and the plans for the future – in a variety of quotes!
Collecting our lot we pack our baskets and back packs – our leaving is all that remains,
We close the gateway behind us and follow our path – and make it home before it rains!
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