The Feast Table!
The Feast Table!
An afternoon greeting as we enter the scene,
The Sun kissed patches picking out the green!
An Equinox smile with a chill of a breeze,
Enough to stand the hairs and sway the Trees!
An in depth welcome from the circle within,
Fitting for the moment like a second skin!
The energy gathered in a sun-wise sweep,
Collected and harnessed a present to keep!
A collection to share in the silence we know,
The form of the Trees and the shapes they throw!
An amassing of thoughts and memories to file,
Finding our feet – we settle in – relaxing all the while!
The gathering of the fruits of the harvest free to all,
A dabbled hand at presentation ripe before the fall!
The hedges heave amidst their weave – heavy as they grow,
The fruiting nut and berry treasure – an arrival with a show!
A spirit laid and made to measure a table for the feast,
A table clothed with a split of levels admired from the East!
The lanterns settle in their standing – waiting for their flame,
The fire grows with its still building – guilty of the same!
The flame is sparked in central focus – a fire for the Sun,
Echoed by the lanterns and entrance candles – each and every one!
The incense smoulders into being and surrounding by the way,
The sights and smells of Autumn honoured – for celebration day!
The Silver Birch they share the motion – connection with us all,
Hand in hand and side by side with the vibrations of the call!
With a step within the stone circle a toast held up on high,
A passion play for a perfect day under a kindred sky!
We honour the Ancestors with our feast table a feeling to be proud,
We find our connection with the Apple Tree and call it out aloud!
Mother Nature with the bonding of her children – a cycle we can ride,
In giving thanks we share our blessings with an Apple on the side!
The Pheasant bloats and rolls a rumble as we are coming to a close,
Dusk is falling with subtle timing and the painted picture glows!
A Barn Owl appears in near silhouette with the grace of gentle flight,
The Bats they search between the Birch as evening says goodnight!
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