Raven Rising!
Raven Rising!
There’s a Raven rising from the earth – as I set foot upon the land,
Bejewelled the decking of a tender moment – with a waving of the hand!
I step inside and pull the gate behind me – a full blown circle above the Grove,
Like a Phoenix for a gift of revelation – where the webs of threads are wove!
Conformation recounts – repetition in pairs – voice recognition giving it away,
A connection remembered as a story told – with the break of fast of day!
Chewing the cud with the tales of connection – a sensation with every bite,
The planning of construction with a detailed fine – the pouring of the light!
A pair of Herons creep in to the distance – in the west a far off gaze,
Growing with the flow of constant movement – a mazing through the rays!
With reassurance rallies back and forth – with a wander overhead,
A faded view toward the top of the hill – a place where trails are led!
The Robin he forecasts an impending invasion – from the post next to the stream,
The Long Tailed Tits descending on mass and the Buzzard shrieks a scream!
On with the cycle the Dogwoods are ambushed – a white berry goes down a treat,
Moving along they motion to muster – with an exit quiet and discrete!
The Mushrooms grow as they line the ditch – dressed from white to aging brown,
The Raven cronks as he slips on by – with the stretching shadows lying down!
With a flurry a Wren – darts close to the surface – and right toward my view,
With a drink for some and a fond farewell – my blessings I count anew!
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