Mission Complete!
Mission Complete!
And so we find our morning as we find our feet – awash with morning Sun,
Stride for stride and with a peel of laughter – the journey has begun!
The Cow Parsley lines the verges in drifts – with a twisting of the road,
The gangs and clumps of Stinging Nettles – a shelter for nature’s load!
Random are the drips and drops of the Buttercups – yellow smiles of light,
Ivy and Vines and Deadly Nightshade entwined – along the fence-line to the right!
There’s a carpeting flurry of wild Rose petals – to the left along the way,
We reach the bed of the stream as it dances a trickle – a flow to match the day!
For a treat there’s a greet – with the sweep of a Buzzard – gliding east to west,
Slow and deliberate on the edge of the thermals – to the Grove an honoured guest!
A pair of Wood Pigeons passing from south to north – with a casual course of flight,
The swirling of the wind slowly builds a crescendo – from the north-east out of sight!
The darker clouds gather with shaded in greys – forming a queue overhead,
Impatience it blows where the energy flows – to clear the sky instead!
There’s a Crow’s Foot Trefoil overhanging the ditch – rooting its life to grow,
In the bank nearing the entrance of the standing circle – with the season on the go!
The Crows and the Swallows weave of their flightpaths – above and all around,
Bumble Bees work the Foxgloves and Forget-me-nots – the songbirds sing their sound!
The Blackbirds and their nest are left undisturbed – as we leave just after lunch,
Mission completed with a tour of the trees – where the fruit grows by the bunch!
Mission Complete! — No Comments
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