One Night in Northampton
One Night in Northampton
A whole year has passed since my visit to Northampton, we had been invited to talk at a Theosophical Society meeting.
I had hoped that Morien would have returned from his travels but alas no, so I volunteered to do the talk in his place.
I am not a people person like Morien, and I do not have his confidence but sometimes you have to step up to the challenge.
August 21st 2019 the big day, I thought I was ready for anything, until that is, I arrived at the venue!
Nerves had started to take hold. As people began to come in and take their seats, I had a quick look through my notes.
The time had come to start, the announcer welcomed everyone, then invited me to take the floor. With all eyes focused on me, any confidence I had started slipping away.
For a moment, I thought it was going to go to pieces, but I managed to claw it back and I started to enjoy it.
Towards the end I answered a few questions – one of which I could not answer, this question was about the Stone Circle we built at the Grove, and the question was:
Had putting the Stones in the ground changed the energy of the site?
If so, was that from putting the Stones in a circle or was it when we consecrated the circle with a Ceremony?
It was not until I got home that I realised it was neither of these, it was in fact when we had dug the ditch and bank to create a henge around the Stone Circle, this had dramatically changed the feel of the space inside.
I did enjoy my time with the Northampton Theosophical Society, they are a friendly group and I hope to meet them again one day.
Until next time – Glentaowen