Retreating For Winter!
Retreating For Winter!
With fond farewells – on different stages – we retreat into winter and roll away,
Retiring into darkness and running the rails – that lead us forward on our way!
There’s a Bus stop gathering – where smoking smoulders – with time to spread the news,
With an all aboarded – there’s a smile afforded – taking up seats with differing views!
In a casual manner – I’m on the case – monitoring the darkness as we roll along,
With my music notes forming – to my heart it’s warming – a personal performance in silent song!
Admiring the legs of history standing – we wait with the patient while sending our words,
The F word glows with its gift shop memories – refuelling adventures and feeding the birds!
The all change clamour – breathes an air of excitement – busying voices in hurrying tones,
We travel the maze – snaking sheltered ways – fenced in symmetry like a spine of bones!
A kind soul’s assurance – ushers us round the bend – where the obstacles glow with light,
The streetlights glisten in a droplet veil – with its early Christmas shimmer shining bright!
A warm welcome smile – meets our journeys end – the familiar figure of a long-time friend,
Gathering up the moment with a close of the boot – a magic number with a message to send!
Warming up the threads of conversation – we gather with our hosts where the gravel drives,
Crunching like a drumroll – with echoes of yesteryear – like a soundtrack to our lives!
The forever of permanence – lay down in stone – the structure of foundation beneath our feet,
Toasting the moment with Sherry and Wine – where the flow of the spirits feel complete!
The magician marvels with a pair of screens – thumbing the pages and changing the scenes,
Eating like Kings – with the comfort it brings – the calling of council now it convenes!
The weather mists with grey – bringing in the new day – reaching on into mornings play,
A Field Fare lingers the branches of apple – over the wall standing over the way!
The Jackdaws muddle – with the songbirds in a huddle – the Wood Pigeons strut the lawns,
With wingbeats from above – the settling of a Dove – with a shaking shower the forecast warns!
Dressed for the Ridgeway and the reign of the elements – wrapped up warm against the cold,
The mud hangs heavy and the white chalk clings – an ancient pathway that’s centuries old!
Leaving of the layby we tread familiar ground – made up of memories spanning the years,
Decoration drifts – in sprays of Spindle Tree flowers – small and pink in misted blurs!
The Yew Trees pruned – the mind’s attuned – we wander up to Wayland’s and Ancestors rest,
Exploring a vision like the back of your hand – where revelation calls the invited guest!
There’s a rich orange carpet – of fallen leaves of Beech – a smothering blanket of season’s age,
A burst of colour to blow away the greys – gathering raindrops on minimum wage!
With a discrete withdrawal – we greet the tree-line wall – recounting tales of home,
A Summer Camp of memories – to fire the imagination – where the Hares are free to roam!
Deep treading leaves – see the hearts on our sleeves – wallowing in the here and now,
Bathing in the glory – of our history and its story – feeling the nostalgia with a kindred wow!
Midday draws the rain to enclose the hills – with a well-timed move we take our leave,
Lost to view is the shape of the Hill-fort – swallowed by the cloud it’s hard to believe!
Pheasants form collectives – a multitude of numbers – running in scurries – crashing like waves,
Scything through the grasses – in their gathering of masses – seeking the safety each one craves!
For lunch we re-group – with a warming of soup – a home-made happening hits the spot,
We raise a toast of Mead to Winter Retreat – giving the moment all that we’ve got!
We return to the Magician – weaving his web of wonders – capturing images held in the Sun,
Ceremonies of season – highlighted for a reason – a picture present with each and every one!
Friends and relatives gather around the table – where we take in my favourite meal,
Sharing in the joy – with the heart of a boy – while we contemplate the wheel!
Time slides by – with the clearing sky – Moonlight and Starlight drape a silver white,
The rain has been – left a night serene – as one and all we say goodnight!
Morning enters – there’s a curling of smoke – a Pied Wagtail scours the thatch,
A Blackbird shrills – warding off the chills – but he’s more than met his match!
The sunlight rays – pick the locks of greys – like marble cracking blue in the sky,
The clouds they thin and fade – a golden glow parade – with a winter’s low so shy!
There’s a decisive calling for a Ridgeway encore – gathering up the arms of the greens,
Ever-green customs – riddled with history – memory wandering dusted with dreams!
Home on the range – we are back at the ranch – cradled in the strength of the stone,
Decking the halls and dressing the hearths – a blessings peace is yours to own!
Second breakfast fuelled – with contemplation – winding down the countdown hovering overhead,
Attention to detail casts a final gaze – while the Gold Finches storm the Lavender bed!
Time jumps into focus reading timetable tales – pulling at the heartstrings like a marionette,
Rounding up the posse – the wheels of deliverance – with time for a last cigarette!
Stepping off the street – with the taking of a seat – settling for the long journey home,
Taking in the tunes playing rhythm and melody – thoughts dissected with a fine tooth comb!
With a half-time refreshment we water the horses – before we take up the seats at the back,
As the city falls behind – with the lowering of darkness – the streetlights fade into black!
Conversation rambles with a plan of action – with its timing shared and sent,
Roundabout leads to roundabout – and it’s time for a quick descent!
A shop sign displays its sense of humour – as our footfalls lead the way,
A grand reunion – with wall to wall smiles – to brighten Little Raven’s day!
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