Summer Solstice!
Summer Solstice!
Carefree is the casual Muntjac that ambles across our path,
As we turn the corner of the junction – reaching for a laugh!
Extending a careful gazing we are watched on down the road,
The sharing of a moment taken – with a joy in overload!
The Sun it greets me through the gateway – widening my smile,
The young Elder Trees have grown in stature – growing all the while!
With a pause I stand and bow my entrance with a blessing to share,
I feel my presence and breathe the peace and know that I am there!
I gather my thoughts amidst the smoke rings I set upon the breeze,
Beholding the form of my surroundings – the stones and the trees!
The outer footpath draws around its circle as I wander on its way,
The sound awash with birdsong – with their welcome to my day!
I sit and watch a mole meander – moving mountains in his search,
Just below the earth that’s twitching in the shadow of the birch!
My company calls to join the moment – wheeling through the gate,
With the warming of a welcome – we watch the Sun migrate!
With a fond farewell we spark a fire and settle for a drink,
A gathering with the dancing flames and remembering the link!
The warming tales of memories forged deep within the fire,
Reaching back along the trail of life – with passion and desire!
Midnight passes with a wander – of a star filled summer sky,
The wee small hours of contemplation look us in the eye!
The firelight fades within the moment the darkness starts to creep,
Wrapped within the sky’s moonlit blanket – we settle down to sleep!
Dawn’s symphony of the morning chorus greets my open gaze,
The thrush above us stamps his war dance – onward nature plays!
The singing of the multitude – as I set foot upon the dew,
Serenade’s my waking senses as I stand and take the view!
The bard’s chair holds my bones to focus – a memoir for a page,
The returning cycle of the summer season – the Sun it comes of age!
I partake my fill of spring water and watch the Kestrel in the South,
Hovering on the drift of breezes taking the words out of my mouth!
Slow but sure he works a system with a glide from here to there,
Taking views on the morning’s news he sails upon the Air!
With three or four passing’s – he scans his visions of the scene,
Returning to the point of vantage – where his positioning has been!
Relaxing into a Solstice breakfast we assemble in the morning sun,
We gather our sense of occasion and make good what’s to be done!
Midday strikes with a call of the gong – a procession comes to pass,
With the beginning of an entrance – we are barefoot upon the grass!
We honour the Sun and its highest rising – raising up the mead,
We honour the fires of the turn of the wheel – the planting of the seed!
The seasons of the year of life – the elemental energy and power,
To the Oak tree and the eternal flow – the fox gloves and the flowers!
When our celebration starts to linger and all is packed away,
The evening calls out the farmers to turn and tend the hay!
While the buzzard wrestles with the crows the Red Kite soars on high,
Circling the hill and the Grove before us – lighting up the sky!
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