The Ghost of a Memory!
The Ghost of a Memory!
Painting a portrait as we travel through space – spinning and turning,
Sharing the visions with the moon and stars – dancing pirouettes around the sun!
Following the pathway that leads to adventure – over the lie of the hills and valleys,
Arriving still at the springs of nature – where the mountain streams begin to run!
Colouring the cobwebs connecting through history – ancient wordsmiths tell their tales,
Capturing the reference of their travelling trails – decorating the flow of the page!
The ghost of a memory filed in the mind – departmentalised and kept for re-discovery,
Leaning back against my favourite tree – weaving my thread as I have done for an age!
Echoes of birdsong repeat the morning chorus – drawing in their familiar overtures,
Every dawning with its changing cast – as the horizons come to light!
The sun-wheel of sentiment it rides the spiral – mother-nature wakens to life’s crescendo,
Seasonal views – bring elemental news – with the future burning bright!
Secluded in the ball of sunset’s firelight – casting our shadows to play in the dark,
Highlighting trees in the veil of darkness – the elegant Beech with its enclosing crown!
Well-tended flames we remember the flicker – holding a glow in each and every heart,
Stoking and smoking – we feast and make merriment – as the evenings wind on down!
My dawn of fresh air with the family Hare – with rods of sunlight piercing the canopy,
Wandering the circuits in a time and motion – an annual ramble amidst the trees!
Repeats and returns where the spirit learns – the legs may tire but we hear the calling,
Rolling along over the contrast of contours – comparing the sunburns by degrees!
Counting off check-points and natural wonders – eager reminders of the past in passing,
Familiar ritual pauses – to catch a breath – where sustenance beckons time and again!
Following ancient landmarks and joining the dots – the ribbon journeys inter-weaving,
From a one off mission with its lunar eclipse – to a pilgrimage honouring memory lane!
The spark of conception and its hungry seed – planted during the ten day spectacular,
Confirming the notion of emotion – finding direction – with the pathway clearing there!
Jigsaw pieces bond and build a more completed picture – with the turning of the seasons,
Like-minded souls – they understand their goals – the union of friendship for all to share!
A couple of Goldfinches venture – as morning’s attraction – peering through the grass,
Flitting to and fro along the footpath’s flow – while the Starlings keep their cool!
Memories slow as they fade in the ether – imagination wanes in its lust for sleeping,
Moving on forward toward the end of the line – with a poetic completion as a rule!