A Fungi Walk
A Fungi Walk
Rarely has a walk been one without discovery or delight, the last one up a logging track took on its own character.
At the start we met a friendly man who declared there was nothing better than walking amid trees. Well, we had those aplenty as we walked a track inclining upwards.
After a while were looking for a log to enhance a stop for tea and snacks. Like strawberries and cream, tea without opening plastic containers is not complete. Found, a long log where the track levelled out and we made a temporary camp, amid the quietness of the trees.
A loaded logging truck went by, with a cheery wave from the driver. The quiet returned until a mud spattered 4 x 4 appeared to slide down from a side track.
The glimpse of life here was different – rugged and uncompromising if getting too close to the edge of the track where it fell away to a steep drop.
Going back down we detoured under pines towards a broad river, where we saw a multitude of different fungi to wonder at.
Back at the stacks of cut logs, near where we started, was a logger truck loading. Seeing one there loading the mature firs, completed a remaining piece of the picture, not seen before.
Loaded trucks lumbering by on the roads going down towards the mills we see every day.
Seen too, the cutting process and the stacking of the cut trunks.
Back up to the remote road, from where looking from the bridge at the river was like saying ‘hello’ to an old friend.
The rain very conveniently started just as we got inside the car and the end of another walk with highlights to recall with delight.
Skydrift Moon