Aprillion Showers!
Aprillion Showers!
There’s a technicolour skyline weaving threads of blue and grey – there’s a Heron on the wing,
Pinpricks of sunlight highlighting visions – with a chorus for my morning the Songbirds sing!
Ribbons of puddles dance a glance of reflection – cronking is the Raven when the Magpie swoops,
A Hare stands easy in the rolling field – Song Thrush on the verge – a buzzy Bumblebee does loops!
Pheasants call their greeting from their sanctuary – hedgerow for a guide to the gurgling stream,
The Hawthorne in the green with its fresh new clothes – male Partridges think they go unseen!
There’s a couple in contemplation on the dredgers bank – as I make my way down to the gate,
The Wood Pigeons scatter as I make my entrance – a male Mallard circles to roundabout the date!
The Mallard returns to the pond next door – Willow Warbler chatters then dissolving out of view,
A Songbird chirruping high in the Silver Birch – a silhouette bobbing – tree to tree as they do!
Three Rabbits they bolt – each in turn in the East – along the far side of our boundary hedge,
Hiding in the seasonal showing of the undergrowth – forever watchful living life on the edge!
The Crow Tree is empty making long distant calls – the Songbirds twitter to soundtrack the scene,
The ringmaster Robin taking centre stage – full of announcement and looking supreme!
With the gathering patter of the planning department – a gentle shower briefly grew,
Holding the moment before sailing away – leaving a shimmer like morning dew!
A Buzzard cuts its circles just off to the West – with a call – making shapes and throwing moves,
The first Cowslip flowers with the Beltane stone – while the Primulas find their grooves!
The Daffodils sway in the breeze of the day – and the fruit trees burst their buds as one,
Dogwoods wave their ample veil of unfurling leaflets – with the lust for life now spring has come!
Starting with the pruning and pollarding the Willow – before we keenly break our fast,
With a tale to share with the flowing of time – when finally resumption came at last!
The lanterns are gathered for replacing their wicks – along with the ghost of the Equinox fire,
With the pollarding finished – the hedge shaped and formed – prolonging a shower for all’s retire!
The silence of ending and the drumming of roofs – there’s a hinting and glinting of afternoon Sun,
With play now resumed there’s summoned a smoulder – where a fire had once begun!
Reassuring the embers a new fire assembled – fresh from the log store and dry to the flame,
Building in intensity with the tasting of tongues – the fire is eager and back in the game!
High above us in the sky a vision at altitude – two pairs of Buzzards at distance so small,
With a fifth to and fro – back and forth on the go – resonating downward the sound of the call!
With a visit to the shed I see Blackbird refurbishment – a fine new nest upon last year’s remains,
Impending in its welcome for the next generation – will it be one round or two of nature’s gains!
With the changing of the guard Mrs Mallard circles – before she turns back for the East,
All is calm amidst the Bull Rush front – where the action on next doors pond has ceased!
And all too soon there’s the return of the raining drops – interspersed with stones of hale,
There’s a far reaching cloud that darkens the view to the South – with a downpour to prevail!
Reminiscence returned with the counting of years – while shelter kept one and all in the dry,
The thirst for adventure in a land of discovery – how the sun-wheels rolled on by!
With the turning of pages and planting the seed – where the memories become good friends,
The past of the future that is guiding the present – a moment of peace as the shower ends!
As the turning hands of time – clear the day away – and so my journey is my path,
Where the Long tailed Tits thrill my heart to bits – the soul of a glowing hearth!
As it started to rain I spotted the Hare – stopping to take in the moment to share its day,
With a short gentle run there’s a rendezvous – and together they leave and make their way!
Aprillion Showers! — No Comments
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