Beltane! – Celebration Day!
Beltane! – Celebration Day!
The Pheasants rumble into motion as I pass on through the gate,
There’s a call as to a notion and they leave as if they’re late!
A pair of hurried Partridges – they run a quick retreat,
Remembering to take to their wings – lifting off their feet!
Over the hedge where the grass is greener they all choose to take their will,
Out into the open field – onto the rise that climbs the hill!
White Butterflies with golden orange wingtips – meander on their way,
Fluttering on the breeze of Beltane – as we gather for celebration day!
The Wood Pigeon and the Dove are stirring – a flurry of their wings,
The Insects and the Bees are rambling while the Wren and Robin Sings!
On a tide of Mead and Cowslip Wine we welcome in the green,
We call to all in understanding as the green man spreads his seed!
We honour the womb of the ancestral apple and share in the tree of life,
We plant a Cowslip – with a bond of connection – the gift of living life!
We pass on through the twin fires of Beltane – as we leave upon our way,
We feel the warming glow of love and passion – as we remember celebration day!
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